The May Center for Learning
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Parent Testimonials

"I am amazed by the changes in our son since attending the May School. It is more than just his academics; he as an individual has blossomed. He is happy and inquisitive. He is confident. He is less frustrated. He does not fear reading or school. He does not fear effort. He does not fear failing; he sees not getting something correct as a chance to learn and improve. To see him at peace brings a calmness to our family."



parent testimonials

"I am amazed by the changes in our son since attending the May School. It is more than just his academics; he as an individual has blossomed. He is happy and inquisitive. He is confident. He is less frustrated. He does not fear reading or school. He does not fear effort. He does not fear failing; he sees not getting something correct as a chance to learn and improve. To see him at peace brings a calmness to our family."

— Dad of a 10-year-old student


"This is a big thank you. I love what you are doing with the school. It is a blessing that we found you. Our daughter has never been happier. She has an enthusiasm about learning that I have not seen before. She told me the other night that the teachers “get” her at May School. I also appreciate the outside activities where she travels to parks, the new first tee program, and field trips. I think you are doing a great job!"

— Mom of a 9-year-old student


"Yesterday’s parent/teacher conference was an absolutely positive and amazing experience. To hear a concrete lesson plan with actual work toward a goal was a complete luxury. To hear such immediate consistent results towards reading and self-confidence was a rarity. To see an astronomical leap in our daughter’s outlook and grounding into her little self was my truest dream coming true. The May School program is brilliant. Thank you."

— mom of a 8-year-old student

"My then-nine-year-old daughter was struggling with dyslexia in public school. Although I felt the school was offering her good support for her learning, her confidence was diminishing daily as she compared herself to her peers. Since joining the May School two years ago, I’ve got her back. Not only is she more confident about writing grocery lists for what I may or may not cook for dinner, her self-esteem has returned. I feel strongly about this program."

— Mom of a 11-year-old student


"It is with deep gratitude that I write to tell you that my son has officially become a “book worm” this summer. He is never without a book… He reads in bed, in the car, in the grocery store. It’s amazing!!! Thank you!!!"

— mom of a 10-year-old student


"Our daughter is really loving her new school. Thank you for providing a safe and loving environment. For the first time, she is really focused on getting her homework complete and having me sign her planner. You have our gratitude. "

— dad of a 11-year-old student


"My daughter’s first quarter at her new school has been a big success, both socially and academically. Math is still her area of greatest need, but she is doing average work in there, which is okay with us. Her English teacher is thrilled with her ability to analyze and thoughtfully discuss literature and is impressed with her writing skills. Every single one of her teachers has commented on how centered, mature, respectful of others, collaborative, insightful, and thoughtful she is. They all say she excels at self-advocacy and sets a great example for other students in that way. Please accept my sincere thanks to for creating the bridge back to success in school for my daughter."

-Mom of a 13-year-old student